South Dakota Substance Abuse Certification

Addiction Studies Resources, South Dakota

How To Become A Substance Abuse Counselor In South Dakota

Are you wondering how to become a substance abuse counselor in South Dakota? Addiction counselors in South Dakota are provided licensure by the Board of Addiction Professionals (BAPP). They offer only 1 level of licensure. This is called the Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC).

Degree Requirements & Education

LAC applicants are required to have a Bachelor’s Degree in a behavioral science. The applicant will need to have completed 3 hours in each of the following courses: Addiction Counseling Theories and Techniques, Psychopharmacology or Psychopathology, Legal, Ethical and Professional Standards, Case Management and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders, Treatment Planning, Clinical Supervision, and Multicultural Competency.

Experience & Supervision Requirements

All LAC applicants will be required to complete 2,000 hours of supervised work experience. This work experience must be specific to the drug and alcohol counseling domains. Those domains are:

    1. Screening, Assessment, and Engagement
    2. Treatment Planning, Collaboration, and Referral
    3. Counseling
    4. Professional and Ethical Responsibilities

Of those 2,000 hours of supervised work experience, 300 of them must be relevant to the core functions, with 10 hours specifically focused on each core function.


Applications should be filled out and mailed into the Board at BAPP 3101 West 41st Street, Suite 205 Sioux Falls, SD 57105. There is also an application fee that should be mailed in with the application. The fee is $250 and should be paid by money order or check. The check should be made out to the BAPP.

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For those that wish to run an independent practice, there are further requirements that must be met. The applicant must already hold their LAC license. Then the applicant must have completed 4,000 hours of work experience as a substance abuse counselor. All work experience must be properly documented. The applicants who choose to pursue independent practice must complete the Work Experience Verification For Independent Practice Form. The applicant must fill out part of it and the applicant’s supervisors must fill out the other and then submit it to the Board.


The required exam is administered by the IC&RC. The required exam is the Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ADC) Exam. The IC&RC offers candidate guides, study material, and online practice exams. Those can be found here: IC&RC Exam Prep.


Renewal should take place every 2 years. The license will expire every 2 years on the last day of the counselor’s birth month. The counselor will be required to obtain 40 hours of continuing education. Counselors are not required to turn in certificates of CE completion, but the Board reserves the right to randomly audit renewal applications. If the counselor is audited, they then will be responsible for providing the relevant certificates of completion. There is a renewal fee of $200 that must be paid by money order or check. Renewal Application

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