Your search for a flexible, affordable public health master’s program may very well lead you to look primarily at online options. Not only are online MPH programs often more affordable, they put you in a position to make the most of your time, something any busy grad student can appreciate.
Some of the best MPH programs in America are located in expensive metro areas, and over the course of the typical two-year program, rent and cost-of-living expenses can really add up. And if you’re working your way through school, picking up and relocating isn’t really an option anyway.
Online programs sidestep all those concerns. They let you streamline your schedule to fit the lifestyle you’re currently leading, instead of forcing you to adapt to a rigid class schedule.
What you need is a top-flight education that won’t leave you drowning in debt, and enough flexibility to be able to take in the course content at a time and place that fits your schedule. Seems reasonable to us; and that’s why we put together this list of our top recommended online MPH programs in America.
Accreditation Offers a Baseline Assurance of Quality
A master’s degree with full programmatic accreditation from the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) is the standard in the field, and it’s even more important when it comes to evaluating online programs.
With an on-campus program it’s pretty easy to pick up on the institutional vibe, interact with instructors, and see the research facilities and labs so you can make your own judgments. But with online options it can be more difficult to understand all the elements that make for a quality program.
So the stamp of approval from a trusted third party becomes that much more important. CEPH is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as qualified to offer exactly that sort of approval. CEPH conducts site visits to asses things like instructor qualifications, research and service efforts, student resources, and even how involved students are in departmental decision-making.
Schools have to dish up their data on student outcomes tracking and curriculum, and CEPH goes through it all with a fine-tooth comb to verify that the programs accomplish what they say they are… and that they deliver on CEPH’s 22 different core competencies considered critical for graduates in the field of public health. It’s exactly the kind of vetting you need when considering your options for a remote program.
On top of that, CEPH accreditation is necessary to establish your eligibility to sit for the NBPHE’s Certified in Public Health exam.
Using CEPH approval as the baseline, we evaluated every accredited online MPH program, identifying the ones we felt were worthy of being called the very best.
Beyond Accreditation – Looking To Unique Aspects of Online MPH Programs
Once you know that every program on our list has already hurdled the bar of CEPH accreditation, what else makes them special? – A lot.
Online Course Content Delivery Systems
In a field where experiential learning and fieldwork is key, offering a top quality public health master’s program online takes a careful balance and real attention to student engagement. Even programs that offer 100 percent of the didactic coursework online are likely to have some on-campus intensive or group project requirements at certain stages. Just as often, even programs billed as being online are, in fact, offered in a blended format that will involve showing up on campus at regular intervals for face-to-face engagement with peers and professors. We help you understand exactly how online each of these programs really are so you know exactly what you are signing up for.
We also looked into the software and administration of the online courses themselves. Schools can only give you as good a presentation as their learning management system will support, so we looked for schools that stick with the best systems for delivering broadband, multimedia coursework to ensure a seamless, glitch-free experience.
Customizable Course Content
We dive into the concentrations that each program offers, the highly specialized education that you can expect to receive over and above the basic elements of biostatistics, policy, epidemiology, and health care systems that every CEPH-accredited program is required to deliver.
Many online programs are primarily oriented at busy administrators, and offer either a general degree or a focus in policy and administration. Others give students diverse and contemporary practice-focused options that deal with the most pressing issues in public health today. Concentrations that deal with the fundamentals of public health policy and research are common, and for good reason, since these areas of focus don’t lose their relevance over time. Others are unique, offering courses that focus on new and emerging concerns. In both cases, a wide array of focus options with well-developed course sequences is a huge plus, and increased the chances of earning an MPH a place on our list.
Research Contributions
Research is a major component of public health at every level, from using epidemiological data to gain a clear understanding of how communicable diseases progress through a community, to determining which strains of influenza to develop vaccines for each season, to tracking the results of public health educational campaigns. You simply can’t expect an exceptional public health program to come out of a school that isn’t making exceptional contributions to research in the field.
As vital as it is for public health students to get some ground level exposure to research, it’s something that can be hard to deliver in an online format. That’s why schools that have strong and well-funded research centers, and that work to involve remote students in the important work taking place there, earn top marks and had a good chance of making it on to our list.
Student Support
One of the chief concerns students have when considering online degree programs has to do with whether they’ll feel isolated from classmates and left unsupported by faculty. As an online student, knowing that there’s a team that has your back to provide the support you need makes all the difference. Whether it’s basic tech support for the online curriculum delivery system, the ability to ask clarifying questions of your professors, or having ready access to dedicated career guidance complete with internship and job placement assistance, you need to know that when you need some help it’s going to be there.
This is a key element to offering a quality program online, so any school worth your time has processes and resources in place to provide just this kind of support. You can be sure this was a major consideration when we made our selections for this list.
Community Connections for Fieldwork and Networking
CEPH maintains strict Applied Practice Experience requirements. The contact hours requirement for community engagement, internship hours, or co-curricular activities almost always involve some type of on-site service, although not necessarily at the campus where the program is offered.
Academic institutions have always been a part of the network of institutional resources involved in the research and discoveries that public health officials and scientists in the field put to use to educate the public and develop the methods and strategies for preventing the spread of disease. The best programs always have deep connections to the broader local, national and global public health communities, and this connection correlates directly to the kind of internship, career and networking opportunities available to students. Naturally, we only considered programs that maintain close ties to respected public health stakeholders in government, academia, and industry.
Pricing and Value
The average in-state tuition for MPH programs at public colleges and universities can range anywhere from $16,000 to $33,000, with programs at the upper end of this range located exactly where you’d expect: in coastal states and expensive metro areas. Students paying out-of-state tuition rates and those attending private collages can see tuition rates come in at twice that amount. And this is before you even start talking about books and all the other ancillary costs, which add up fast. While public health is a venerable field that offers more interesting opportunities than you could find in a traditional 9-to-5, it’s not necessarily a profession people get into to get rich. This all adds up to cost being a real consideration for most MPH students.
We did a deep-dive analysis in search of programs offering the best value, looking at the cost of programs offered at public and private institutions separately. We calculated the average cost to attend either a public or private school in each state, and for any program on our list that came in below the state average, we show you the cost savings.
Low tuition by itself wasn’t enough to get a program added to our list of top selections, but value was. If a school is able to offer at least as much or more than other programs in the state providing a similarly exceptional student experience, but at a considerably lower cost, it had a good chance of making the cut.
The Best Programs Always Have the Best Faculty
No matter what kind of technology a program might use to deliver its curriculum, or how impressive and well funded its research programs are, or how varied the areas of focus it offers, or even how great its career counselors might be, none of it will mean much without capable and dedicated instructors. We feel that the bench of instructors that make up the faculty of a school of public health is the single most important factor in determining the difference between a program that is just ‘good enough’, and one that is actually good enough to make it on to our list of the very best MPH programs in America.
You can be sure every one of the programs we feature is led by instructors with a lot of experience, both as professionals in the field and in their professorial tenure. Expertise and experience in this field is hard won, and almost always means holding a terminal degree, having made important contributions to research and literature in peer reviewed journals, and for the very best, it means winning awards for those contributions.
The Very Best Online Public Health Master’s Programs for 2025
A public health degree isn’t just a step toward career readiness or advancement in an increasingly important field; it’s also a really big commitment to a career that people like you get into for all the right reasons. Anybody committing themselves to this field deserves some assistance when it comes time to identify the best online MPH programs available. We’re here to provide that assistance.
It all comes together on our list of top picks… you can be sure one of the MPH programs on this list is going to give you the top quality education you need to prepare you for the career you want.
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
This list features programs that our editorial staff hand selected to present as top recommendations. We believe the many aspects of a program that come together to create an exceptional student experience can’t be reduced to numbers alone, so no formula was used to attempt to score or rank these programs. Instead, they represent our top picks based on a thoughtful review of the things we know mean the most to students. Each one of these programs offers something unique, and all come equally highly recommended. We stand behind the principal of editorial integrity and make these recommendations independently and without compensation.
University of Alabama – Birmingham
School of Public Health
Birmingham, Alabama
Master of Public Health
- Population Health
- Environmental & Occupational Health
- Epidemiology
- Health Behavior
- Health Care Organization & Policy
- Maternal and Child Health Policy & Leadership
Related Degrees:
- PharmD/MPH
- PhD in Biomedical Science/MPH
- PhD in Psychology/MPH
- ABM Accelerated Bachelor to MPH
Estimated Program Cost: $24,156
Semester Credits: 43-45 depending on concentration.
- Format: 100% Online or on campus
- A dedicated Instructional Technology Group provides faculty support for all A/V, design, and technology needs for the online environment, creating seamless class experiences for students
- College-run centers such as the Deep South Biosafety Worker Training Program and the Lister Hill Center for Public Health Policy offer extra experiential learning opportunities for related concentration areas
- Most dual-degree tracks can also be completed entirely online
- InternTrack dedicated field placement system makes finding APE placements a breeze for remote and on campus students alike
UA comes to the public health education field loaded for bear. Few other colleges come equipped with the full slate of dual-degree options, exceptional concentration specialty tracks, and fully online coursework that is identical to the brick-and-mortar classes that the institution was already famous for. A program like this is only possible with the fullest support from the school, which translates to excellent support for individual students as well. A dedicated full-time Instructional Technology Group powers the transition of on-campus courses to functionally equivalent online counterparts, while leveraging all the possibility unleashed by modern information technology to improve and integrate the online class experience. The school is fully engaged at both the local level, where it has worked with local leadership to address homicide as a public health matter, and in global issues such as stemming the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa. Those opportunities combined with the flexibility of asynchronous online classes and the lowest online price point for an MPH in the state of Alabama make UA a formidable challenger for your tuition dollars.
University of Alaska – Anchorage
Department of Health Sciences
Anchorage, Alaska
Master of Public Health in Public Health Practice
Related Degrees: MPH/MSW
Estimated Program Cost: $20,538
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: All courses available via distance learning (thesis defense must be conducted in-person) with one in-person meeting each year
- An advisory committee includes experts on tribal healthcare, circumpolar studies, and economic research, providing a broad perspective and inputs into curriculum matters
- Take part in university-sponsored seminars on public health matters for both networking and education
- A student advisory council advocates for MPH students so your views are represented in departmental decisions
- Culminating practicum course puts you in charge of a final project demonstrating competencies gained through the program
The state of Alaska is home to some unique challenges when it comes to the field of public health. To be prepared for these challenges it would be wise to earn your degree and complete your practicum right here in-state. The MPH program at UA-Anchorage offers you a unique opportunity to learn the ins and outs of public health work in Alaska, all in a convenient and flexible online program that has minimal on-campus requirements. As an interdisciplinary degree that embraces an ecological approach to public health, you’ll get a broad background in the diverse and complex subjects that feed into the needs of a population living in the circumpolar north at a time of increasingly rapid climate change. The practical as well as theoretical education you’ll get in this program is right in line with the Alaskan ethos of rugged self-sufficiency, preparing you for work either in the big city or monitoring programs in the vast wilderness north of the Brooks. Because the state is so big and public health concerns so widespread, you’ll also be happy to find that all courses are offered online via the Blackboard Course Management System.
University of Arizona
Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health
Tucson, Arizona
Master of Public Health
- Applied Epidemiology
- Health Promotion
- Health Services Administration
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Biostatistics
- Environmental and Occupational Health
- Environmental and Occupational Health
- Industrial Hygiene
- Epidemiology
- Family and Child Health
- Global Health
- Maternal & Child Health
- Health and Behavioral Health Promotion
- Health Services Administration
- One Health
- Public Health Policy and Management
- Public Health Practice
- PharmD/MPH
- MPH/MA in Latin American Studies
- MPH/MS in Mexican-American Studies
Estimated Program Cost: $39,900
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: 100 percent online
- In the Top 5 among all U.S. public health schools for producing American Indian and Hispanic graduates
- Ranked #25 in the nation among Best Schools of Public Health by U.S. News & World Report
- Vast research portfolio is funded by diverse resources such as the CDC, NIH, and HRSA, and includes both general and specialized subjects of public health interest
The University of Arizona doesn’t just have the best MPH program in the state, but one of the best in the nation. At many schools, the online MPH program doesn’t offer many concentration options, but the deep bench of faculty expertise at MEZCOPH allows them to offer three of the most in-demand specialty areas in public health. In each, you’ll find a subject being explored through cutting-edge research that MPH graduate students take part in. The multi-disciplinary research base is reflected in the course sequences for each concentration, which take specialized knowledge and tie it in with the current overarching state of practice. Local, community-based field internship opportunities get you direct experience with real-world public health organizations while still enabling the flexibility that comes with a fully remote MPH program. Whatever path you choose, it’s a top-notch education at a reasonable cost from one of the best colleges of public health in the nation.
A.T. Still University
College of Graduate Health Studies
Mesa, Arizona
Master of Public Health
Related Degrees:
Estimated Program Cost: $32,496
Semester Credits: 48
- Format: 100% Online
- Class sizes are limited to 16 students each, offering excellent student/faculty ratios and plenty of personalized attention
- Faculty all hold doctoral credentials and include industry leaders, top national public servants, and academic innovators in the field
- School offers a demo Blackboard LMS course so you can try before you buy to get a sense of the quality of online instruction
- Dedicated Online Career Services counseling ensures you get all the support you need for a strong launch into your lifetime of public health practice
For a dynamic, growing private university like A.T. Still, it’s only to be expected that you would find a dynamic, innovative program like the online MPH offered through the College of Graduate Health Studies. With top-rated faculty from around the country, each with impeccable academic credentials on top of their unique and diverse service records, direct instruction is one of the highlights of the program. And with ultra-low student-to-faculty ratios in every class, you get the full benefit of that instruction in every single course. As a strictly generalist degree program, you’ll cover the full spectrum of public health topics in those courses, from community health informatics to old-school epidemiology studies, to cutting edge investigations into the uses of social media in community health programs. Whether you’re aiming at a career in public health service at the global or local level, A.T. Still has the critical skills you’ll need to succeed.
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health
Little Rock, Arkansas
Master of Public Health
- Rural and Global Public Health (Online)
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Biostatistics
- Epidemiology
- Environmental and Occupational Health
- Health Behavior and Health Education
- Health Policy and Management
- PharmD/MPH
Estimated Program Cost: $18,186
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Online, asynchronous using Blackboard web-based classroom
- Offers not one, but two complete capstone courses to provide dedicated field experience as well as a final integrative learning experience
With a marked dedication to experiential learning and on-the-ground public health training, UAMS delivers one of the more comprehensive MPH programs in the nation at a very affordable price. The program offers in-depth training on the unique public health issues facing rural populations, both in Arkansas and around the world. Although there is a real practical angle to the rural and global public health concentration, you aren’t missing out on big-ticket research opportunities, either; the college has long-running and in-depth research projects in environmental and occupational health, and community-based health topics that can offer insights and experience relevant to any specialization. Your final capstone integrative learning experience requires you to synthesize and integrate the knowledge you have taken in over the course of the program and put it to practical use, whether that involves developing your own health policy proposal, submitting a manuscript for publication, or designing a research proposal for submission.
University of California – Berkeley
School of Public Health
Berkeley, California
Master of Public Health
- Health Policy & Management
- Community Health Sciences
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Spatial Data Science
- Global Health
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Biostatistics
- Environmental Health Sciences
- Epidemiology
- Epidemiology/Biostatistics
- Global Health & Environment
- Health and Social Behavior
- Health Policy & Management
- Infectious Diseases & Vaccinology
- Interdisciplinary
- Maternal & Child Health
- Public Health Nutrition
- Online MPH
Estimated Program Cost: $51,072
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Online courses delivered both synchronously and asynchronously, with two mandatory on-campus summer meetings
- Online MPH students are also allowed to take on-campus courses
- First accredited school of public health west of the Mississippi
- Faculty consistently noted as being among the leading scholars in their respective fields, include 3 Fulbright Fellows and 1 National Academy of Sciences member
- Dedicated Career Services Office supports online students and alumni in networking and job search efforts both before and after graduation
- Full access to the UC Berkeley School of Public Health Jobsite offers access to both permanent positions and practicum internship opportunities
- Program ranked in the Top 10 by U.S. News & World Report for Best Graduates Schools of Public Health
With a school as universally recognized as a center of social and environmental justice as UC-Berkeley, you can’t help but expect the public health programs here to reach the top ranks among options in California, and across the U.S. The public health education at Berkeley reflects the forward-thinking belief that healthcare is a human right and that strength is found in diversity. Whether or not you select the newly-minted Global Health concentration, global issues are always on tap at Berkeley, offering students the opportunity to get plugged in to a deeper understanding of the most pressing health concerns around the world. Your instructors come from diverse, interdisciplinary backgrounds to offer a broad perspective on public health services. The innovative Data Science track puts you at the exciting intersection of GIS and public health data, tracking epidemics and community health risks through the echoes of behavior and outbreaks found in big data sets, a cutting-edge skillset that is going to be central to public health practice for the foreseeable future.
San Jose State University
Department of Health Science and Recreation
San Jose, California
Master of Public Health
Estimated Program Cost: $24,150 (in-state)
In-state tuition $9,529 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at California public schools.
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Online, synchronous classes plus one on-campus meeting (4-5 days) annually, or on campus
- State-of-the-art synchronous web conferencing uses two-way audio, multi-point video, and interactive whiteboard features for an experience almost identical to classroom education
- Activities outside the classroom that add service and learning opportunities include roles in the Health Leadership Organization, Project SHINE, and the Public Health Peer Advisors group
With a pedigree going back to 1970, the SJSU public health program has had plenty of time to establish a rigorous practice-oriented, community-based curriculum that addresses the needs of the public health service in all aspects of the field. A strong generalist education has been ported to a flexible online format that offers achievable goals for students who may not have the time to attend classes on campus, while sacrificing none of the rigor. Faculty with a diverse array of active interests and research projects in the field take you under their wing to get you involved in research in areas like psychosocial trauma investigations, HIV prevention, and ecological aspects of public health. It’s a remarkably broad online program, which makes the low cost even more amazing.
National University
School of Health and Human Services
San Diego, CA
Master of Public Health
- Health Promotion
- Healthcare Administration
- Mental Health
Estimated Program Cost: $30,960
In-state tuition $20,131 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at California private schools.
Quarter Credits: 72
- Format: 100% Online, asynchronous, or on campus evening and weekend classes at 20 sites throughout California and Nevada
- The largest private nonprofit university in San Diego
- Innovative four-week classes allow you to hyper-focus on a single subject during a limited period to get you through the curriculum faster
- Faculty who are nationally recognized across a broad spectrum of health disciplines
NU brings innovation to the table in spades when it comes to online public health education. The school’s innovative course structure—used both online and on campus—involves four-week limited classes on a single subject, giving you the opportunity to focus all your efforts on mastering a single topic at a time. The concentrations available also reveal the outside-the-box thinking at NU, with a fairly standard health promotion specialization joined by a less common healthcare administration option, and a very rare mental health concentration. With some of the biggest traditional epidemiological challenges already conquered or dominated by larger schools, NU has carved out a niche in offering an education on the next wave of public healthcare challenges. With thoughtful class options led by experienced and highly educated faculty, you’ll get an affordable degree here that will have you punching far above your weight class throughout your career.
Colorado School of Public Health
School of Public Health
Aurora/Fort Collins/Greeley, Colorado
Master of Public Health in Leadership and Public Health Practice
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Applied Biostatistics
- Community and Behavioral Health (UC)
- Epidemiology (UC/CSU)
- Global Health (adjunct to other concentrations)(UC)
- Health Services Research (UC)
- Health Systems, Management & Policy (UC)
- Maternal & Child Health (UC)
- Population Mental Health & Wellbeing (UC)
- Animals, People & The Environment (CSU)
- Global Health & Health Disparities (CSU)
- Health Communication (CSU)
- Physical Activity & Health Lifestyle (CSU)
- Public Health Nutrition (CSU)
- Community Health Education (UNC)
- Global Health + Community Health Education (UNC)
- Healthy Aging + Community Health Education (UNC)
- MPH/PharmD (UC)
- MPH/Master in Urban and Regional Planning (UC/CSU)
- MPH/Veterinary Medicine (CSU)
- 5-year BA/BS + MPH
Estimated Program Cost: $26,502
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Online, synchronous and asynchronous courses offered; some electives unavailable online
- A collaborative program offered by University of Colorado’s Anschutz Medical Campus, Colorado State University, and the University of Northern Colorado
- Partnership with Children’s Hospital Colorado which is home to a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center on Promoting Family and Child Health
- Practicum course involves 120 hours or more of public health field work for hands-on experience
As a unique collaboration between three of Colorado’s pre-eminent public universities, the Colorado School of Public Health offers an unparalleled amount of resources to prospective graduate students. The unique Leadership and Public Health Practice concentration is available only online, and is oriented primarily toward professionals already working in the field who hope to improve their education in all aspects of public health practice. That means exposure to the latest theories and trends in biostatistics, epidemiology, and health systems management, as well as research techniques and investigations. You will also have practicum options to round out your experience with hands-on practice in other settings. This could even include opportunities to travel overseas for experiences that will deepen your understanding of modern public health issues in the international context while making valuable contacts that will last your entire career.
District of Columbia
George Washington University
Milken Institute School of Public Health
Washington, D.C.
Master of Public Health
- Environmental and Occupational Health
- Epidemiology and Public Health Research Methods
- Global Health
- Health Communication
- Health Policy
- Program Planning and Evaluation
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Biostatistics
- Community Oriented Primary Care
- Environmental Health Science and Policy
- Epidemiology
- Global Health Epidemiology and Disease Control
- Global Environmental Health
- Global Health Program Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation
- Global Health Policy
- Health Policy
- Health Promotion
- Maternal and Child Health
- Physical Activity in Public Health
- Public Health Communication and Marketing
- Public Health Nutrition
- MA in International Affairs/MPH
Estimated Program Cost: $74,700
Semester Credits: 45
- Format: Fully online, synchronous classes; full, accelerated, or part-time tracks available, and the option to take up to 15 credits on campus
- Ranked by U.S. News & World Report as the 14thBest Public Health School in the United States
- First integrated physician assistant (COPC)/MPH dual major in the country
- Washington location makes integration and research with major organization like the CDC an integral part of the GWU public health experience
- Enjoy online access to all Milken Institute resources including the library, live streamed events, and the University Bulletin
- Online students get a virtual passport that gives them access to places to study in more than 450 locations in 90 different cities
Even if you’re doing it remotely, getting your master’s degree in public health at a university located in one of the major global centers of public policy makes a lot of sense. Partnerships with CDC, the Peace Corps, and other major public health policy organizations give GW students unprecedented access to the centers of research and decision-making in the public health universe. But the GW advantage doesn’t end there; the Milken Institute is also a major center for research into climate change, environmental and occupational health, antibiotic resistance, and AIDS research among other important scientific subjects. Nor do you lose out on real-world experience in the MPH@GW program; more than 700 practice sites and affiliated preceptors nationally and internationally include consulting firms, policy institutes, and state departments of health. GW is committed to providing the kind of education that the future leaders and policy-makers in public health will need in a world where that expertise is becoming more important than ever.
University of South Florida
College of Public Health
Tampa, Florida
Master of Public Health
- Epidemiology
- Global Disaster Management, Humanitarian Relief, and Homeland Security
- Health, Safety, & Environment
- Public Health Practice
- Social Marketing
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Applied Biostatistics
- Behavioral Health
- Environmental and Occupational Health
- Global Communicable Disease
- Global Health Practice
- Health Care Organizations & Management
- Health Policies & Programs
- Infection Control
- Maternal & Child Health
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Public Health Education
- MPH/MA in Anthropology
Estimated Program Cost: $14,612
Semester Credits: 42 (some concentrations may require additional credit hours)
In-state tuition $9,178.00 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at Florida public schools.
- Format: Online, asynchronous classes
- International field experience practicum open to students in all concentrations and encompass more than 20 countries around the world
- A deep bench of more than 240 professional faculty ensure that you can find someone on staff with expertise in the area you most hope to learn about
- Cutting edge online instruction elements include blogs, wikis, podcasting, forums, and web-conferencing
- More than $25 million in outside research funding received in FY 2017
USF provides a solid core education in the common elements of public health: biostatistics, epidemiology, health care organizations, risk assessment, and the rest. But where the program really shines is in the specializations available to online students. With the increasing frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events taking place, and the geopolitical implications that come along with displaced and effected populations, graduates of the new Global Disaster Management concentration are sure to be in strong demand in the near future. Since USF is the only school in the country offering it, that makes it a pretty clear choice. But the school isn’t just innovating in one direction; the Social Marketing concentration offers its own unique take on the communication challenges that public health officials face. That learning is backed up by the school’s innovative Activist Lab, a hub for interdisciplinary advocacy that teaches you how to marshal scientific evidence to support public health leadership in any field.
Emory University
Rollins School of Public Health
Atlanta, Georgia
Executive Master of Public Health
- Applied Epidemiology
- Applied Public Health Informatics
- Prevention Science
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Behavioral Sciences and Health Education
- Biostatistics
- Environmental Health
- Global Environmental Health
- Epidemiology
- Global Epidemiology
- Health Policy
- Health Care Management
- Global Health
- MDiv/MPH
Estimated Program Cost: $71,400
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Online, except for two campus meetings per semester
- Ranked in the Top 10 Best Public Health Schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report
- Co-founded by Dr. David Sencer, a former director of the CDC and New York City Health Commissioner, Rollins maintains close affiliations with both institutions
- Close ties to the Emory Global Health Institute put you at the center of international public health expertise
- Located near CDC headquarters in Atlanta, Emory offers unprecedented opportunities to engage in real research and field work with the leading public health service in the world
Although Rollins was only founded in 1990, it has quickly leapt to the head of the pack among all American public health schools by dint of the leading experts in the field that are counted among its faculty, and its powerful relationships with major public health organizations. Rollins was one of the point locations for research during the West Africa Ebola outbreaks in 2013-2016, to such an extent that nearby Emory University Hospital became the leading center for treatment for Ebola patients in North America. It’s that kind of expertise that lends the Executive MPH with Applied Epidemiology and Prevention Science tracks an extra edge as you learn from faculty who have had skin in the game in each of those fields. Although you probably don’t want to be at ground zero for similar outbreaks, it’s hard to overstate the kind of experience and expertise you can draw on here for global health, epidemiology, and vaccination studies. Professors here are of the caliber that can spend two hours teaching you in a lecture hall and then head off for CNN interviews to brief the nation on the latest public health emergency. That kind of expertise also draws major funding grants, to the tune of $29 million in 2017 alone, leading to more than 201 published manuscripts and nearly 15,000 citations. Even as an experienced executive, you’ll have to run to keep up with the kind of talent you’ll find at Emory, but you’ll graduate with one of the most highly respected MPH degrees in the field.
Augusta University
College of Allied Health Sciences
Augusta, Georgia
Master of Public Health
- Health Management
- Health Informatics
Related Degrees:
Estimated Program Cost: $20,640
Semester Credits: 45
- Format: Hybrid, with full and part-time scheduling formats available
- The university holds a Carnegie Classification of Doctoral, with High Research Activity
- Offers community-based internship opportunities
- Your capstone project graduation requirement will involved substantial research experience
If what you want is an engaging program that offers plenty of scheduling flexibility without entirely forgoing the face-to-face benefits of on-campus interaction and research, then Augusta’s hybrid MPH program might be the best option for you. Research is a major focus here, conducted by faculty with diverse interests and nationally-recognized expertise in their areas of investigation, and it plays a major role in your degree program. Your capstone project, the culminating experience of the curriculum, is designed to be heavily research focused. There’s no better place to conduct that research than under the direct tutelage of the faculty at Augusta, who have ongoing projects in areas such as innovation in health care organization, asthma health promotion, electronic health records, and behavioral health education. The school is on the leading edge of national trends in science, technology, and professionalism, and that’s a huge boost to your education and career prospects.
Idaho State University
Department of Community and Public Health
Pocatello, Idaho
Master of Public Health
Estimated Program Cost: $14,840
Semester Credits: 48
- Format: Online, asynchronous courses, or on campus
- The Public Health Student Association offers extracurricular networking and service opportunities to students at ISU
- Program offers the option of completing either a thesis or a final project for the culminating experience
- Workforce development training opportunities available to graduates allow you to keep your education up-to-date even after you enter public health service
It’s often universities in the rural states that have taken the lead in delivering innovative online educational programs, and that’s a perfect description of the ISU Master of Public Health program. The faculty and administration at the school have all but perfected the delivery of asynchronous remote courses that fully involve online students in the core competencies required by the rigorous MPH program. They’ve also extended that expertise to offering post-graduation workforce development seminars and training that can help you keep your education current with cutting-edge information even after you have left the program. A flexible approach to the culminating experience caps off the program, allowing you to undertake a professional project or a traditional thesis in addition to an oral examination in which you tie together your studies and experience.
Loyola University
Health Sciences Division
Chicago, Illinois
Master of Public Health
- Epidemiology (hybrid)
- Global Health Equity (hybrid)
- Public Health Policy & Management (available 100 percent online)
Related Degrees:
Estimated Program Cost: $46,032
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Online or on campus, with the Epidemiology and Global Health Equity concentrations available as hybrids with some evening courses on campus
- Course components taught by top-ranked Loyola departments such as the Stritch School of Medicine, the Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics and Health Policy, and the Institute of Environmental Sustainability
- Public health program aligns directly with the famous Jesuit heritage of promoting social justice
- Gain more than 200 hours of practicum experience in the field in the course of your studies
Attending a school that has an overall objective that matches the goal of public health in general is never a bad decision, which is why a rigorous Jesuit approach at Loyola is the perfect choice to get you into the field. With a mix of online and in-person courses, Loyola takes the interdisciplinary approach all the way by putting MPH students directly into classes offered through related departments at Loyola with expertise in relevant topics. Although the school has only three concentration areas in the MPH degree, you have significant elective options with which to customize the program around your specific interests. A serious practicum requirement will get you over 200 hours of direct, hands-on experience in the field, while a separate capstone research project allows you to branch out and investigate a subject of your own choosing to polish off the program.
Purdue University
College of Health and Human Sciences
West Lafayette, Indiana
Master of Public Health
- Family and Community Health Sciences
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Family and Community Health Sciences
- Environmental Health Sciences
- Health Statistics
- BA or BS/MPH (4+1 Accelerated)
Estimated Program Cost: $23,100
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Online, asynchronous courses
- A 320 hour practicum internship gives you more practical experience than most MPH programs in a wide variety of practice settings
- Faculty are drawn from diverse departments across campus for a wealth of experience in specialized fields
- Campus branch of the Public Health Student Association promotes increased development of the program and offers opportunities for contribution and interaction with industry professionals
The specialized online MPH in Family and Community Health at Purdue takes you deep into the modern family structure and the implications that the modern global healthcare environment has for families… and vice versa. In an era of increasing racial and economic disparities, the demand for professionals who can untangle the complex web of family dynamics within communities is skyrocketing. At Purdue, you’ll learn to study the social factors, nutrition, and communication considerations that public health officials need to master in order to effectively manage health and healthcare among diverse community groups. You’ll get a solid grounding in the traditional elements of a public health education including epidemiology, health systems administration, and environmental health concerns, and that combined with the additional coursework in behavioral and social issues will make you a hot commodity in the public health sector after graduation.
Indiana University at Bloomington
School of Public Health
Bloomington, Indiana
Master of Public Health
- Parks and Recreation (Online)
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Behavioral, Social, and Community Health
- Biostatistics
- Environmental Health
- Epidemiology
- Physical Activity
- Public Health Administration
Estimated Program Cost: $21,468 (in-state)
In-state tuition $3,863 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at Indiana public schools.
Semester Credits: 44
- Format: 100% Online
- The school is a noted center for research into sports and leisure aspects of public health, with the Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands and the Leisure Research Institute located on campus
The Parks and Recreation concentration is available only online, and it’s also the only such concentration in the nation. The expertise there and in related specialties is unparalleled. But expertise comes from research, and at Bloomington you’ll quickly become immersed in the school’s culture of perpetual discovery. It’s not just the groundbreaking centers and institutes like the Center for Underwater Science, or the Biostatistics Consulting Center. And it’s not the more than 140 highly experienced faculty conducting research projects in those centers and in the five academic departments of the school. Instead, it’s a cultural approach to education and learning that permeates even the core subjects of public health, turning you into an effective learner and investigator in every aspect of your education, and your career. It’s an attractive approach to entering the field, and it fits nicely with Bloomington’s noted international reputation as a leading center for investigations into the beneficial effects of sports and leisure on public health.
University of Iowa
College of Public Health
Iowa City, Iowa
Master of Public Health
- Biostatistics
- Community and Behavioral Health
- Epidemiology
- Occupational and Environmental Health
- Policy
Related Degrees:
- PharmD/MPH
- General MPH
- MPH for Practicing Veterinarians
- Accelerated 5-year Undergrad to Grad MPH
Estimated Program Cost: $36,792
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Hybrid, with at least 50 percent of coursework completed on campus
- Ranked in the Top 10 Publicly Supported Colleges of Public Health by U.S. News & World Report
- Listed as a Best Buy in the Fiske Guide to Colleges
- With a 1:4 faculty to student ratio, there is plenty of direct one-to-one interaction with the expert, nationally-noted instructors
- International programs include Child Family Health International, the Pulitzer Center Global Health Fellowship, and partnerships with multiple foreign universities from Australia to Kenya
The University of Iowa may be pretty close to the center of the country, but it has an over-the-horizon perspective on global public health. With multiple overseas partnerships and a dedicated Global Public Health Student Travel Grant program on tap to help cover international travel expenses for learning and research, this hybrid online program is one of the best in the country at fulfilling your global health ambitions. But even if you decide to keep your feet on American soil, the global health course offerings here are a cut above the competition. The school both offers a roster of courses dedicated to global health considerations in environment, epidemiology, and other traditional practice areas, and integrates international considerations into other core and elective courses. Whether you go the global studies route or not, you will get a firm footing through experiential learning here, with a 200-hour capstone requirement that must be conducted in a public health setting. All of that from the lowest cost public school program in the state is quite a bargain!
Des Moines University
College of Health Sciences
Des Moines, IA
Master of Public Health
- Public Health Practice
- Public Health Administration and Policy
- Health Education and Promotion
Estimated Program Cost: $29,440
Semester Credits: 46
- Format: 100% Online
- 180 hours of fieldwork in a public health setting offers a strong helping of experiential learning; prior placements have been through WHO and CDC
- Capstone projects and internship placements can be tailored to your concentration and interests
- Through the Mentored Student Research Program, SMU students work alongside faculty in both basic and advanced research projects
The MPH program at DMU has strong standards for itself both in the values behind it and the education it will provide you during your time there. The school demands rigor and innovation from instructors as well as students, and believes in projects that serve communities both globally and locally, while advancing the overall state of knowledge in the public health field. That means research, and through the MSRP (Mentored Student Research Program), you can expect to get your hands dirty with cutting edge action in studies covering all three of the school’s concentration areas and beyond. The school’s perspective on interdisciplinary education and research means you’ll get a strong perspective on public health through the prism of other fields, all of which will help shape you into a stronger and better practitioner when it comes time to take your own place in the public health service.
University of Kansas Medical Center
School of Medicine
Kansas City, Kansas
Master of Public Health
- Epidemiology
- Public Health Practice
Related Degrees:
- PhD in Applied Behavioral Psychology/MPH
Estimated Program Cost: $16,516 (in-state)
In-state tuition $546 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at Kansas public schools.
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Hybrid, on campus courses available in both Kansas City and Wichita with many courses also offered online
- Internship placement sites include the Kansas Department of Health and Environment as well as local and regional county and city departments of health
- A 192 hour Public Health Capstone serves as your culminating experience where you integrate knowledge with practice
- Offers the Kansas Public Health Grand Rounds as a webcast featuring public health practitioners and researchers from across the state and region
The two concentrations offered at KUMC are among the most popular in the public health field, and with pure Kansas practicality, the program has settled on quality over quantity by turning them into two of the best and most affordable options for those specializations in the Midwest. The curriculum goes through the basic five elements of general public health over 21 credits and then devotes the remainder of your course hours to the chosen concentration, covering those practice areas from every angle. For instance, the epidemiology track features advanced courses in biostatistics, giving you considerable exposure to that specialty in a primarily epidemiological context, while public health practice students dive into qualitative measurement techniques as well as policy, budget, and legal considerations. It’s an approach that adapts all the tools of public health to the particular focus of the program, which gives you both an exposure to the field overall and a deep understanding of your chosen specialty area.
Western Kentucky University
Department of Public Health
Bowling Green, Kentucky
Master of Public Health
Estimated Program Cost: $29,694
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Online or on campus
- Your required e-Portfolio will serve as a record of your competencies and achievements during your course of study at WKU
- CITI web-based ethics course gives WKU graduates an extra helping of research-oriented ethics education
The first and only fully online MPH program in Kentucky offers a comprehensive generalist degree plan with plenty of elective options to let you customize your education to align with your own career plan. As a competency-based course that focuses on integrative learning, you can expect to learn the essential elements of public health service, and then demonstrate your mastery of these subjects through both written work and a final ILE presentation. You get plenty of options when it comes to demonstrating what you’ve learned, whether through a traditional thesis, a capstone applied practice experience, independent investigations, or an internship. Practicality and performance fit right in with the Kentucky ethos of self-reliance and quiet competence, and the excellent online offering here allows you to get all the benefits of a world class education without having to be on campus every day.
Tulane University
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
New Orleans, Louisiana
Master of Public Health
- Disaster Management
- Occupational and Environmental Health
- Occupational Health and Safety Management
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Community Health Sciences
- Disaster Management
- Epidemiology
- Health Education and Communication
- Health Policy
- Health Systems Management
- International Health and Development
- Maternal and Child Health
- Nutrition
Estimated Program Cost: $59,355
Semester Credits: 45
- Format: Online synchronous classes
- Member of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health
- First school of tropical medicine in the U.S. and the oldest public health school in the country
- With a distance-learning pedigree stretching back to 1994, you will be dealing with some of the most experienced remote educators in the country at Tulane
- E-Academy program offers online students access to special software and low university pricing
Tulane is known around the world for the strength of their tropical medicine program so if that’s the direction your career is heading, the renowned New Orleans university is likely already on your radar. Investigations into once rampant tropical diseases like Yellow Fever and malaria were going on at Tulane long before most other colleges in the U.S. had even established public health research programs. Today, the school maintains that edge in the fight against Ebola, Zika, and other next-generation threats, fights that have informed the education offered in the online Disaster Management curriculum that investigates the prevention and response to both environmental and man-made disasters. But you might not realize that the school also offers strong and diverse faculty and expertise in other critical public health specializations, including Occupational Health and Safety. As a student here, you’ll have invaluable opportunities to take a head-on look at emerging issues across the public health spectrum while studying under some of the best minds in the field.
University of New England
Public Health
Portland, Maine
Master of Public Health
Estimated Program Cost: $32,660
Semester Credits: 46
- Format: 100% online, asynchronous class format
- Participates in research initiatives such as the Clinical and Translational Science Initiative, the Maine-Harvard Prevent Research Center, and the Office of Patient and Population Oriented Research
- All courses conducted through the advanced Blackboard Learning Management System to connect you with instructors and fellow students
You have to love the fact that the top public health school in Maine is actually one you can attend from anywhere—the 100 percent online MPH from the University of New England doesn’t require any campus visits during your 18 months of education. But the flexibility and convenience that come with the online format are just icing on an already accomplished and knowledge-packed course of study in modern public health topics. You’ll come away from the program with a solid and broad generalist education in public health topics, meeting all the CEPH competencies, while also getting a chance to explore other subjects such as law, leadership, and financial management. Your practical experience will be gained on the ground with an organization in your community, tying your coursework in with the day-to-day realities of public health practice.
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, Maryland
Master of Public Health
- Aging and Public Health
- Child and Adolescent Health
- Epidemiologic & Biostatistical Methods for Public Health & Clinical Research
- Food, Nutrition, and Health
- Food Systems and Public Health
- Global Environmental Sustainability & Health
- Health in Crisis and Humanitarian Assistance
- Health Leadership and Management
- Health Systems and Policy
- Infectious Diseases
- Social & Behavioral Sciences in Public Health
- Women’s and Reproductive Health
Related Degrees:
Estimated Program Cost: $59,784
Quarter Credits: 80 (approximately 53 semester credits)
- Format: Hybrid, part-time with 1-2 weeks on campus per year
- Ranked #1 MPH Program in the country by U.S. News & World Report
- Special programs available in Surgery outcomes, Public Health Ophthalmology, Anesthesiology, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine
- A 100 hour practicum will be designed to align with your personal career goals
- All online students are automatically eligible to receive the Welch Scholarship to help cover tuition costs
The Bloomberg School is legendary in public health circles, with graduates found in influential positions throughout the United States and around the globe. You’ll graduate with a built-in network covering every state and more than 80 nations throughout the world. With roughly half your credits covered by electives, you have enormous latitude to tailor your degree to your specific career goals. And with the vast array of expertise on tap at Johns Hopkins, you have a rich plate of elective options to choose from. Naturally, being attached to a world-class medical school and hospital has further benefits… special programs offer mentorship for students investigating medical procedures and outcomes that will put you in direct contact with top professionals in the field. Your coursework and field experience will be among the most challenging offered at any public health school in the U.S. today, but then, so are the real-world challenges facing public health professionals. You’ll graduate fully prepared to take on the fight in whatever area you choose.
Morgan State University
School of Community Health & Policy
Baltimore, Maryland
Online Master of Public Health
Estimated Program Cost: $18,186 (in-state)
In-state tuition $8,881 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at Maryland public schools.
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: 100% Online, accelerated, or on campus
- First historically black college in the nation to offer a doctoral degree in public health
- Holds a strong focus on public health issues afflicting urban communities, including drug abuse, violence, obesity, and mental health issues
- A national advisory board consisting of highly-experienced professionals from diverse public health backgrounds helps guide the program toward current needs and trends in the field
The Morgan State OMPH takes an adaptive approach that delivers a unique experience to each cohort. The program recognizes the diverse experience and backgrounds of students and builds on those extensive experiences to create an online community of learning that integrates and distributes that knowledge together with the defined generalist curriculum. It’s a great way to reflect the properties of health equity, diversity, and social justice that the school seeks to champion, and it also happens to improve the interdisciplinary skills that you will learn through the course of the program. A full slate of well-funded, cutting-edge, urban-oriented research projects puts you in the thick of conducting investigations and providing assistance to underserved communities, including in areas such as sex education, HIV awareness and prevention, and male minority healthcare. It’s not all about American inner-city grit, though; MSU students have also gone as far afield as China to see how major international cities deal with similar challenges. At a whopping $8,000 less than competing state programs, and with both online and on campus completion options, Morgan State is a no-brainer for Maryland public health students.
University of Massachusetts – Amherst
School of Public Health and Health Sciences
Amherst, Massachusetts
Master of Public Health
- Public Health Practice
- Nutrition
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Biostatistics
- Community Health Education
- Environmental Health Sciences
- Epidemiology
- Health Policy & Management
- Nutrition
Estimated Program Cost: $25,830
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: 100 percent online, asynchronous courses with part-time scheduling available
- One of the first completely online MPH programs
As one of the first entirely online MPH courses in the nation, instructors at UMass have been gaining experience in teaching students remotely since 2001 and have honed their asynchronous course designs to a fine science. You’ll be afforded plenty of opportunity to customize your degree through electives regardless of the concentration you select as your main focus area. A flexible approach to practicum placements highlights the flexibility of the program; you can begin your practicum once you have completed the five core public health courses, and students are encouraged to find either a local or international option that fits into their concentration area and interests. The practicum is often project-based, with past students taking on projects related to the most pressing issues of our time, including racial inequalities in homelessness, opioid use, and the development of emergency preparedness plans for NGOs.
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
School of Arts & Sciences
Boston, Massachusetts
Master of Public Health
Estimated Program Cost: $40,320
In-state tuition $22,316 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at private Massachusetts schools.
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Online or on campus, full or part-time tracks available
- Faculty composed of leaders in the field who are committed to the success of students in the program
- The college’s Center for Health Humanities adds a humanistic perspective to interdisciplinary scholarship and research through retreats, seminars, poster sessions, and other networking and education events
- Center for Professional and Career Development gives your career a shot in the arm through individualized advising and training and 24/7 job information online
The MCPHS MPH program prepares you to develop strategies for addressing public health issues throughout a meaningful career in the industry. The generalist approach offers an exposure to key topics like health promotion, program design, and conducting community health assessments all while concentrating on the fundamental disciplines of public health. You’ll go through it all as part of a virtual team thanks to asynchronous, flexible online courses that offer a preview of the kind of diverse, internetworked, distributed workforce that you will be part of after graduation. It’s a full course of preparation that addresses both knowledge and skills in public health, at a fraction of the cost of other online MPH degrees at private institutions in Massachusetts.
Andrews University
Department of Public Health, Nutrition & Wellness
Berrien Springs, Michigan
Master of Public Health in Nutrition and Wellness
Related Degrees:
- MDiv/MPH Nutrition and Wellness
Estimated Program Cost: $23,226
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: 100 percent online
- The only online MPH program in Nutrition and Wellness emphasizing vegetarian nutrition
- A faculty with deep expertise in dietetics and food science represents a unique pool of experience to draw on in a highly specialized field
Andrews offers an incredible deal to online MPH students, with a tuition cost that is half of the school’s customary per-credit tuition. But even if it cost twice as much, the program here would be a screaming deal if your interests line up with the unique nutrition and wellness curriculum… it’s the only school in the country offering that focus with an emphasis on vegetarian nutrition. While you get the same kind of core training in biostatistics, epidemiology, and environmental health, Andrews is unique in relating vegetarian nutrition to disease prevention and fitness. As a regional center for dietetics and nutrition research and training, you’ll find expertise here that many larger schools of public health can’t offer in that particular field. As a Christian university, you’ll be learning and growing in an environment that supports the integration of Christian ideals with public health service.
University of Michigan
School of Public Health
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Master of Public Health
- Population and Health Sciences
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Biostatistics
- Environmental Health Sciences
- Epidemiology
- Health Behavior and Health Education
- Health Management and Policy
- Nutritional Sciences
Estimated Program Cost: $40,320
Semester Credits: 48
- Format: 100% Online
- Ranked as the #4 Public Health School in the nation by U.S. News & World Report
- The National Science Foundation ranks UM as the #1 Public Research University in the U.S.
- Partnership with Coursera offers cutting edge, cloud-based education software for each class
- Focus on global concerns with faculty who are engaged in projects in over 70 different countries
Michigan may be square in the heart of the country, but there are few better places in the country to get a public health degree that has a seriously international focus than the University of Michigan. With faculty from all over the world, you’ll get an exposure to global perspectives regardless of your chosen concentration. But with projects scattered across more than 70 different countries focused on issues of global health equity, human rights, and social and environmental justice, you’d be crazy not to take advantage of global health education opportunities offered here. Internships in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East put you on the ground with local populations learning through experience rather than just out of a book. UM encourages student innovation and offers significant resources for social entrepreneurship and career development to help you get your feet under you long before you graduate.
University of Minnesota
School of Public Health
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Master of Public Health in Maternal & Child Health
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Biostatistics
- Community Health Promotion
- Environmental Health
- Epidemiology
- Maternal & Child Health
- Public Health Administration & Policy
- Public Health Nutrition
- Executive Program in Public Health Practice
- Executive MPH
- 4+1 BS/MPH in Environmental Health
- PharmD/MPH
Estimated Program Cost: $38,220
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Online, asynchronous classes, or hybrid
- Advanced standing program; requires applicants to hold a prior graduate-level or higher degree or have at least three years of experience in the field
- Ranked as the #8 school of public health in the U.S. by U.S. News & World Report and the #5 Online MPH in the nation
- Sixth in the nation for NIH funding
- Strong connections with the Minnesota Department of Health and other community partners offers opportunities to participate in real-world projects
The Minnesota School of Public Health is legendary in public health circles. Not only is it the former stomping grounds of Ancel Keys and the place where the epic Seven Countries longitudinal diet study was conceived and executed, leading to the data that identified the Mediterranean diet, it’s also where the Minnesota Model of food-borne illness outbreak tracking was created and where the Minnesota Code for reading electrocardiograms was developed. So the news that the Minnesota School of Public Health now offers an online MPH option should make you sit up and take note. It’s an advanced standing program in Maternal and Child Health, an often overlooked area that benefits from the professionalism and expertise that UMinn SPH faculty bring to it. You’ll learn skills in program development, policy formation, and assessment, with an emphasis on the critical effects of health disparities and inequity on one of the most sensitive populations. Research and innovation are in the DNA here, and through a rigorous and comprehensive set of academic and experiential standards, as a student here they’ll become part of your DNA too. A strong alumni network complements the expert faculty, and partnerships through its Integrated Health Sciences network comprised of other schools at the university ensures you’ll be learning from dedicated subject-matter experts in every field of study.
University of Southern Mississippi
School of Health Professions
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Master of Public Health
- Health Policy and Administration
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Health Education
- Executive MPH
Estimated Program Cost: $22,455
Semester Credits: 45
- Format: 100 percent online
- Academic partnership with the university’s College of Business offers a unique perspective on planning, budgeting, and organizing public health efforts
- University is classified as a first tier R1 Doctoral University for research activity by The Carnegie Foundation
- The university brought in nearly $60 million in research funding in FY 2016
- First accredited MPH program in the state of Mississippi
Southern Miss offers an excellent and comprehensive option for online studies for either current or prospective healthcare administrators focused on public health matters. This flexible remote degree program lays down a solid foundation in the traditional elements of public health, including environmental health concerns, epidemiology, and social and behavioral aspects of health. Then you dive into the high-level considerations that concern managers and leaders in the field: healthcare systems, healthy policy, law and ethics, strategic healthcare planning, and healthcare financial management among others. A required internship component puts in the field for on-the-ground experience to help you put theory into practice. The special partnership with the College of Business ensures you are getting interdisciplinary training, whether you opt for the dual MBA/MPH degree option or not.
University of Missouri
School of Health Professions
Columbia, Missouri
Master of Public Health
- Health Promotion and Policy
- Veterinary Public Health
Related Degrees:
- MPH/Masters in Journalism
- MPH/Master of Public Affairs
Estimated Program Cost: $19,526.85
Semester Credits: 45
- Format: 100% Online, synchronous and asynchronous coursework, or on campus
- MU research is known for expertise and resources on a global scale in health and medicine
- The Executive Council of Faculty governing the MPH program are drawn from diverse schools including nursing, medicine, journalism, and public affairs to offer a broad oversight function
- Faculty-led overseas study trips have included Turkey, Greece, and the Dominican Republic
- Alumni have found work with the CDC, state public health agencies, and in a variety of local and international health services
The online format options for the Mizzou MPH are exact mirrors of the on campus classes, so you can enjoy the added flexibility of remote, time-shifted courses without having to worry about missing a thing. As one of only six public institutions nationwide that have a medical school, law school, and a school of veterinary medicine on campus, MU is uniquely positioned to offer a rare concentration option in Veterinary Public Health. But MU also has plenty to offer to more traditional MPH students, including global studies and research programs that span public health areas from infant health and safety to geriatric health considerations. The southern university has a broad reach, with global studies in the Caribbean and Europe as well as internship placements that can take you to Washington, D.C., Ghana, Puerto Rico, or South Africa. A hands-on, 360-hour internship requirement ensures you will have plenty of experiential learning to tie in to the knowledge you gain in epidemiology, bioinformatics, and other public health subjects.
University of Montana
School of Public and Community Health Sciences
Missoula, Montana
Master of Public Health
- Community Health & Prevention Sciences
Related Degrees:
- MPH/PharmD
Estimated Program Cost: $17,052
Semester Credits: 42/43 depending on concentration.
- Format: 100 percent online or on campus (Generalist degree only), or hybrid (CHPS concentration is only offered as a hybrid)
- Public Health Club open to both students and alumni to provide support and networking opportunities
- A Curriculum Committee with both faculty and student members gives you a voice in developing a rigorous and current course of study
As the only CEPH-accredited school in Montana, and having only opened its doors to its first class of students in 2006, the University of Montana has some big boots to fill when it comes to earning its spurs in the field of public health. Montana is rich in unusual and diverse research and practice areas for public health professionals, from landscape genetics to Native American issues. The Community Health and Prevention Sciences concentration offers in-depth development of expertise in a sought-after field of study, taking you through health promotion, health education, and program evaluation subjects with a blend of on-campus and online coursework that delivers on both depth of study and flexibility.
University of Nebraska Medical Center
College of Public Health
Omaha, Nebraska
Master of Public Health
- Biostatistics
- Environmental and Occupational Health
- Epidemiology
- Health Promotion
- Health Services Administration and Policy
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Biostatistics
- Environmental and Occupational Health
- Epidemiology
- Health Promotion
- Maternal and Child Health
- Public Health Administration and Policy
- PharmD/MPH
Estimated Program Cost: $13,566
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: 100 percent online or on campus
- Explore elective requirements outside of your concentration area for knowledge in your own areas of interest
UNMC emphasizes a multi-disciplinary approach to solving public health problems, and as a major medical center and teaching hospital, it’s an approach the school is well-suited to take. Through the wide array of dual degree options in medical fields you can tell you’ll be mixing it up in class with a wide variety of students with diverse backgrounds and expertise. Collaborative, inter-professional learning is considered to be one of the cornerstones of the UNMC MPH program. That all comes together to make you a better public health professional at the end of the day, balancing the core elements of the profession with all the other areas of expertise that feed into it. It’s a research-heavy, evidence-based approach to public health that prepares you with a scientific grounding for addressing the practical aspects of public health.
University of Nevada – Reno
School of Community Health Sciences
Reno, Nevada
Master of Public Health
- Public Health Practice
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Epidemiology
- Social and Behavioral Health
- Biostatistics
- Health Administration and Policy
Estimated Program Cost: $20,610
Semester Credits: 45
- Format: 100 percent online
- Multiple start dates each year offer tremendous flexibility for program scheduling
- Recognized as a National Tier 1 University by U.S. News & World Report
“Making Health Happen” is the motto of the School of Community Health Sciences at Reno, a general statement that exemplifies the multi-faceted approach the school has adopted to embrace diverse perspectives in its curriculum: the emotional, spiritual, environmental, and physical elements of public health are all covered, as well as health on the community level. While healthcare at a practical level is a goal, the school also believes that you can best achieve expertise in those matters through research and experimentation – a full 18 credits of your coursework will be dedicated to research matters, supported by grants from NIOSH, NIEHS, the CDC, and NSF, as well as many private and state agencies. Reno is at the forefront of national research in areas like substance abuse, with the CASAT center providing training, technical assistance, and evidence-based best practices that are being adopted by healthcare agencies nationwide… agencies that are hungry for administrators well-versed in the latest techniques for dealing with the national drug epidemic. The Public Health Practice concentration will turn you into exactly what they are looking for with the research and administrative chops to take on any public health leadership challenge.
New Hampshire
Dartmouth College
The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice
Hanover, New Hampshire
Master of Public Health
Related Degrees:
- MS
Estimated Program Cost: $37,070 per year
Semester Credits: 56
- Format: 22 months online with a required week-long on-campus session three times per year, or accelerated 11-month full-time option on-campus
- A 12 to 1 student to faculty ratio ensures individual attention from highly-respected, expert professors
- Extracurricular activities available include the Medical Ethics interest group, the Global Health Fellows program, and the Graduate Council at the Geisel School of Medicine
- Academic internship can be completed in the U.S. or at overseas locations
- 1 to 1 career coaching available to all students and alumni
If you’re looking for a personalized, Ivy League education, you can’t go wrong with the Dartmouth MPH program. The program is offered through The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, a health services and research education center at Dartmouth, and a world leader in studying and advancing models for disruptive change in healthcare delivery. As one of the smallest programs it’s also one of the most personal. With a fraction of the enrollment at other Ivy League schools, student-faculty ratios here are low while the amount of individualized attention you get is unmatched by other schools in the Northeast. The Dartmouth program allows you to tailor your degree plan to your specific areas of interest. Coursework is delivered in steps to keep cohorts together, fostering close working relationships among fellow students. You’ll make connections that will last for your entire career. Similarly, your internship placement and capstone project courses are designed to create experiential learning opportunities that put you face to face with real world public health challenges that require creative and caring solutions.
New Mexico
New Mexico State University
Department of Public Health Sciences
Las Cruces, New Mexico
Master of Public Health
- Community Health Education
- Health Management, Administration & Policy
Related Degrees:
Estimated Program Cost: $12,642
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Online, asynchronous courses, except for initial on-campus orientation. Community Health Education concentration also available in evening on-campus format
- University belongs to CAMP (Council of Accredited MPH Programs) and the Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Fellows Program
- Thesis option open to students in the CHE concentration
- Graduate minors available in Gerontology and US-Mexico Border Health, in addition to the two main concentration options
If you are interested in a first-rate education that offers an amazing value, then NMSU belongs on your list of schools to check out. Even with rock-bottom tuition rates, quality and academic rigor is never compromised. In addition to two very in-demand concentration options, the department also offers graduate minors in the critical areas of gerontology and U.S.-Mexico border health, both of which remain under-explored by most other schools. That makes NMSU a hidden gem for students interested in border health issues or the unique challenges faced by a country with an aging population. Designed to accommodate working professionals, the online courses are offered asynchronously, and if you decide to pursue any on-campus classes, they are made available in the evening.
New York
University at Albany, State University of New York
School of Public Health
Albany, New York
Master of Public Health
- Public Health Practice
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Biomedical Science
- Biostatistics
- Environmental Health Sciences
- Epidemiology
- Health Policy and Management
- Social Behavior and Community Health
Estimated Program Cost: $28,764
Semester Credits: 51
- Format: 100 percent online, asynchronous classes allow for part-time, self-paced study
- 720 hours of internship time offers the most field experience of any MPH program in the nation
- School maintains a unique partnership with the New York State Department of Health to allow students to observe and address regional public health issues as they occur
- Peace Corps Fellows program allows you to receive both academic and internship credit for time served in the Peace Corps
- Graduates find positions at major employers such as the American Cancer Society, the CDC, NYFD, and other state and national public health agencies
- Up to six credits of internship requirements can be waived based on prior public health experience
If you’re looking at New York schools you might be impressed with the array of options in the city, but it’s also wise to make sure you check out the options up-state, especially SUNY-Albany. With far and away the highest number of practicum hours required of any MPH program in the nation, your on-the-ground experience when graduating from Albany will be unparalleled. The school carves out a special place for Peace Corps members as one path to earning that experience, offering academic credit for your service. And since it’s an online program, it doesn’t matter if you’re in the city, a small town, or halfway across the country… Albany is an option for everyone. With 51 credits required for completion, the academic standards here are some of the most rigorous in the nation. It all comes together to deliver a program that is highly respected around the world, putting you in with an exclusive network of graduates making serious advances in a serious field.
North Carolina
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
Gillings School of Public Health
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Master of Public Health
- Leadership in Practice
- Applied Epidemiology
- Health Policy
- Nutrition
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Applied Epidemiology
- Environmental Health Solutions
- Global Health
- Health Behavior
- Health Equity, Social Justice, and Human Rights
- Health Policy
- Leadership in Practice
- Maternal, Child, and Family Health
- Nutrition
- Population Health for Clinicians
- Public Health Data Science
- MPH Program in Asheville
- MPH/PharmD
Estimated Program Cost: $69,090
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: 100 percent online, synchronous delivery; accelerated option allows completion in as few as 20 months
- Named as the Top Public School of Public Health and the #2 School of Public Health overall by U.S. News & World Report
- Complimentary WeWork membership for all online students offers access to more than 240 shared workspaces worldwide
- School received nearly $210 million in sponsored research funding in 2017
- The school has a presence in every county in North Carolina and in 62 countries around the world, affording you both local and global opportunities for practice
- 2U powered Online Campus and support systems ensure the latest cutting-edge technology for digital classrooms and communication support
- No GRE required
UNC Chapel Hill is the best school of public health in North Carolina, no doubt, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. It’s also one of the best in the country – thebest public option, in fact, according to U.S. News & World Report. And since you can enroll in the MPH@UNC digital degree program from anywhere in the country, that gives students coast-to-coast an enormous opportunity. In particular, the Applied Epidemiology concentration can put you face-to-face with advances that faculty and students alike are making in applying machine learning and other big data techniques to the ever-important analysis of biostatistics… using technology to achieve ever faster and more relevant analysis of information to develop public health management techniques and improve outcomes globally. But it’s not all about immersion in numbers and data. UNC goes all-in on developing a culture of health as a continuous process top-to-bottom, starting with the students and extending around the world, encouraging you to improve on both a personal and professional level.
Lenoir-Rhyne University
College of Health Sciences
Hickory, North Carolina
Master of Public Health
- Community Health
Estimated Program Cost: $25,620
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: 100% Online, synchronous and asynchronous coursework, or on campus, evenings
- Students who have completed a Dietetic Internship at LRU are eligible to apply up to 9 credits toward their MPH degree here
- The Solmaz Institute offers a unique framework for clinical services, interdisciplinary internship opportunities, and participation in outreach programs
- The Handshake free online jobs board from the Alex Lee Career and Professional Development Center allows recruiters to connect directly with current MPH grad students and alumni for current opportunities
Christian universities such as Lenoir-Rhyne offer a hidden strength in their MPH programs in that the core mission and value of the university align particularly well with the themes of compassion, social justice, and public service that public health embraces. But it also offers another benefit to students in particular, in that the learning environment tends to also be particularly supportive and caring. At Lenoir-Rhyne, that’s embodied by the Cornerstone Student Support & Wellness Center, a counseling and student health services center that keeps your health in mind while you’re studying the health of others. With a focus on community health, that’s an inclusive, comprehensive, interdisciplinary course of study that provides a well-rounded professional education at an affordable price.
North Dakota
North Dakota State University
Department of Public Health
Fargo, North Dakota
Master of Public Health
- American Indian Public Health
- Community Health Sciences
- Food Safety
- Management of Infectious Diseases
Estimated Program Cost: $31,500
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Online or on campus
- Study abroad option in Ireland for international public health experience
- Named as a top research university by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education
Although its the big schools in the big states that tend to get all the glory in the public health sphere, with dozens of concentrations and big name faculty, sometimes it’s a small school with the right focus that makes for the best education. At NDSU you don’t have to worry about getting lost in the crowd; class sizes are small and you can be sure of getting plenty of virtual face time with your instructors, expert faculty who are drawn from microbiology, pharmacy, nursing, and the social sciences departments at the university. NDSU offers a respectable number of online concentrations that are highly specialized and well-positioned to deliver a professional-grade education in subjects that larger schools may blow right by or never even consider. The food safety concentration delves deeply into preventative aspects of food systems management, ranging from nearby farms to the American dinner table. The school also offers the only MPH in the nation specifically designed to prepare graduates to improve Native health and work with American Indian populations.
University of North Dakota
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Master of Public Health
- Health Management & Policy
- Indigenous Health
- Population Health Research & Analytics
Estimated Program Cost: $31,500
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Online, asynchronous format, and hybrid synchronous/asynchronous for the Population Health Research & Analytics concentration
- Offers the only online Indigenous Health concentration in the United States
- Study in Norway through a one-semester program funded by the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education
- Affordable tuition even for non-resident students make UND a cost-effective choice for your MPH
If you’re looking for a rich academic environment with affordable tuition rates and a very select set of concentrations, UND may be just the place for you. With the only online Indigenous Health concentration in the U.S., the university leverages its location and on-campus resources such as the Seven Generations Center of Excellence in Native Behavioral Health to deliver in-depth study and support of underserved native populations. But the school isn’t some myopic high-plains backwater… with an international studies program that can take you to Norway for an entire semester, it has a more international focus than many schools located in more cosmopolitan surroundings. UND also has a surprisingly robust analytics focus, anchored on the Center for Comparative Effectiveness Analytics. Whether you take advantage of the faculty expertise in statistical analysis or Native American medicine, you can get a high-grade education at a low price through UND.
Kent State University
College of Public Health
Kent, Ohio
Master of Public Health
- Health Policy & Management
- Social & Behavioral Sciences
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Health Policy & Management
- Biostatistics
- Environmental Health Sciences
- Epidemiology
- Social & Behavioral Sciences
Estimated Program Cost: $24,150
Semester Credits: 46
- Format: 100 percent online, asynchronous courses
- One of the most affordable MPH programs in Ohio
- User-friendly Blackboard LMS features intuitive, easy-to-use navigation and unlocks content on demand as well as real-time engagement with faculty and other students
Kent State’s diverse practitioner faculty are leading experts in applied public health, which is a perfect match for the two online concentrations the program offers. Both the policy and management and the social and behavior tracks are heavily focused on the real-world application of cutting-edge approaches to public health. Kent State faculty are engaged in a wide array of active research projects that students participate in, including investigations into healthcare disparities, community-based interventions, health literacy, and access to care. You’ll quickly build a portfolio of skills and experience to complement your theoretical knowledge and enter the public health arena well-equipped to offer leadership and advice at every level.
Consortium of Eastern Ohio
Master of Public Health
Estimated Program Cost: $24,696 (in-state)
In-state tuition $2,717 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at Ohio public schools.
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: Hybrid; in the process of transitioning to entirely online
- Current on campus courses available at any partner university, held on Saturdays
- A partnership between The University of Akron, Cleveland State University, Northeast Ohio Medical University, Ohio University, and Youngstown State University that brings top faculty talent from around the state to the program
- The program hosts an annual Community Health Interprofessional Challenge to bring together teams to address current public health issues in the state
It would be amazing to find even one university offering an MPH at such a low price, but in Ohio, you get the same deal from five! The Consortium of Eastern Ohio brings together the resources and public health faculty from five regional universities into one generalist, hybrid degree program that offers you the cream of the crop from each. Working through the Brightspace LMS to coordinate the core courses using interactive video conferencing, you will become part of a large virtual classroom spanning all the campuses, getting the same content and having the same access to the instructor as every other student in the cohort. Capstone project and practicum placements are similarly distributed, organized online to give you access to regional project or internship opportunities, in areas as diverse as sexual assault and suicide outreach.
Oregon Health and Science University / Portland State University
School of Public Health
Portland, Oregon
Master of Public Health
- Public Health Practice
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Biostatistics
- Environmental Systems and Human Health
- Epidemiology
- Health Management and Policy
- Health Promotion
Estimated Program Cost: $30,024
Quarter Credits: 56
In-state tuition $3,138 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at Oregon public schools.
- Format: Online, with asynchronous courses, or as a 12-month accelerated hybrid
- Enjoy access to faculty and prestigious research centers such as the Bob and Charlee Moore Institute for Nutrition & Wellness at both partner schools
- Field experience offered at both local and regional partner agencies
Great schools don’t feel the need to compete, instead the best institutions partner up and strive for creative solutions. Nowhere is this more true than in Oregon where MPH students can benefit from the resources of two top west-coast universities. Portland State and the Oregon Health & Science University joined up and put their heads together to deliver a joint MPH program that is a serious contender for one of the best in the region. Community engagement is a key principle in the online MPH curriculum, putting you to work on sustainable solutions for today’s public health problems. As you might expect, combining the resources from both schools leads to a deep bench in the ranks of faculty, with more than 100 experts in various fields contributing to your education. Their contributions to research are similarly impressive, with insights in opioid addiction, healthcare reform, and the developmental origins of health and disease breaking new ground in their respective fields.
West Chester University
College of Health Sciences
West Chester, Pennsylvania
Master of Public Health
- Health Care Management
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Community Health
- Environmental Health
- Health Care Management
- MPH Fast Track BS/BA program
Estimated Program Cost: $23,220 (in-state)
In-state tuition $10,327 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at Pennsylvania public schools.
Semester Credits: 45
- Format: Hybrid, or on campus
- Three hundred hour Applied Learning Experience allows plenty of opportunities to apply your acquired skills to real-world problems
You’ll find a multi-disciplinary program at West Chester that focuses on problem-solving, research, and professional development in the realm of public health. It’s a good fit for students looking for career-oriented, hands-on training in some of the most in-demand areas of public health today. With 300 hours of real-world experience offered through the Applied Learning Experience internship, you have plenty of opportunities to connect classwork to the reality of day-to-day public health work in a wide variety of settings. Whether it’s in the gritty environmental aspects out in the field or the political and policy aspects facing health care management teams, at West Chester you’ll find a comprehensive education tied in with plenty of practical experience.
South Carolina
University of South Carolina
Arnold School of Public Health
Columbia, South Carolina
Master of Public Health
- Health Promotion, Education and Behavior
Related Degrees:
Estimated Program Cost: $25,594 (in-state)
In-state tuition $4,495 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at South Carolina public schools.
Semester Credits: 45
- Format: 100 % online or on campus
- More than 20 campus-based research centers offer a wide variety of in-depth projects for graduate students to assist with
- Globally-recognized, expert faculty produce more than 500 peer-reviewed publications annually and received nearly $36 million in extramural research funding in FY2015
- The school holds both the top-tier research and top-tier community engagement classifications from the Carnegie Foundation
Although the Arnold school at USC is explicitly built to serve as the primary public health research and education resource for citizens of South Carolina, it represents a lot more than that to students in the online HPEB concentration. You will appreciate the deep and intensive on-the-ground collaborative efforts the school engages in with community partners, but you will also have the opportunity to take advantage of the school’s broad global footprint: overseas efforts as far afield as Oman and Seoul, and a memorandum of understanding with Nanjing Medical University. The programs go both ways, with Arnold students heading overseas for study and observation work and foreign students joining them on campus in South Carolina… an exchange of information and perspectives that adds value to any MPH program.
East Tennessee State University
College of Public Health
Johnson City, Tennessee
Master of Public Health
- Biostatistics
- Community Health
- Epidemiology
- Public Health Administration
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Biostatistics
- Community Health
- Environmental Health
- Epidemiology
- Health Services Administration
- PharmD/MPH
Estimated Program Cost: $25,241
Semester Credits: 43
- Format: 100 percent online, asynchronous classes, with full or part time scheduling
- Over 175 affiliations with internship sites offers you a wide range of options for fulfilling your field placement requirement
- More than 90 percent of funded research efforts at the college directly involve students, letting you participate in important public health investigations
- Special eRate discount for non-residents brings down the cost of the online program
ETSU is among those select public health colleges that have made serious and diligent efforts to bring the full benefits and resources of their on campus program to their online options. Online students have the same opportunities to take advantage of the extensive research programs conducted by ETSU’s professional and expert public health faculty as students of the on campus program do. The online concentrations are designed to offer flexible access to the same rigorous curriculum as their in-person counterparts. Students are known for taking the lead at ETSU, with high rates of membership in organizations such as the Public Health Student Association and the campus chapter of the American Society for Microbiology. The quality of the education shows in the employment rates of graduates: 100 percent of students from the online MPH program have found employment in the field within one year of graduation.
University of Memphis
School of Public Health
Memphis, Tennessee
Master of Public Health
- Social and Behavioral
- Health Systems and Policy
- Environmental Health
- Epidemiology
- Biostatistics
Related Degrees:
- PharmD/MPH
- Accelerated MPH
Estimated Program Cost: $26,502 (in-state)
In-state tuition $3,458 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at Tennessee public schools.
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: 100% online for all concentrations except for Health Systems and Policy or Biostatistics, or on campus, traditional
- Annual School of Public Health Interdisciplinary Case Competition pits you head-to-head with other students in developing real-world community-based health programs with genuine community feedback
The University of Memphis receives widespread accolades for its online MPH degree, one of relatively few in the country that fully lives up to its traditional counterpart. You’ll have the same world-class professors, the same cutting-edge curriculum, and the same 240 hours of practicum required of every program graduate. The quality and effectiveness of the program is clear from the places UM alumni end up. Whether working at Harvard, the CDC, or serving as Presidential Fellows, or running state-wide public health programs all over the country, UM alumni are highly respected and sought after. The school is proud to be fulfilling its mission of promoting health equity and producing the next generation of leaders in the public health field… will you be one of the graduates putting that promise into action?
Texas A&M University
School of Public Health
College Station, Texas
Master of Public Health: Epidemiology
Related Degrees:
- Traditional MPH
- Environmental Health
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Health Promotion and Community Health Sciences
- Epidemiology
- Biostatistics
- Health Policy and Management
Estimated Program Cost: $43,344
Semester Credits: 42
- Format: 100 percent online
- The program includes a special emphasis on epidemiological considerations in rural settings through studies at the Southwest Rural Health Research Center and the USA Center for Rural Public Health Preparedness
- Texas A&M is known for engaging in disaster studies and effects on incidents all along the Gulf Coast
- Research expenditures of over $100 million through diverse funding via NIH, CDC, NSF, and private sources
Practical training is the heart of the Texas A&M online MPH in epidemiology. Although you’ll get exposure to core courses in environmental and occupational health, public health policy, and social and behavioral health sciences, the strongest emphasis here is on training in the use of statistical and theoretical knowledge to predict and influence public behavior to avoid or impede epidemics. An overview of the trends and patterns involved in outbreaks of all sorts help you to develop the skills you will need to play an active role in improving population health. A strong research base at the university helps to develop the theoretical basis for all that practice, and with investigations or projects impacting all 254 counties in Texas, your work will be benefitting people and communities in every corner of the state.
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Julia Jones Matthews Department of Public Health
Lubbock, Texas
Master of Public Health
Related Degrees:
Estimated Program Cost: $9,360 (in-state)
In-state tuition $1,612 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at Texas public schools.
Semester Credits: 45
- Format: 100% Online, asynchronous courses, or on campus
- Offers a special 15-month Online Accelerated option
- Cohort track to get you through the program and into the workforce as soon as possible
- The school is an integral part of the ACCION colorectal cancer screening program for West Texas
- ILE requirement can be met by performing one of four different options: thesis, public health project, comprehensive exam, or capstone course
- The school-run Clinical Research Data Warehouse provides student and faculty investigators with a single source reference to the vast volumes of clinical data available at Texas Tech and beyond
The greatest value MPH degrees are the ones that both offer the lowest cost and get you out the door and into your dream job in public health service the soonest. That’s the Texas Tech program in a nutshell: a 15-month accelerated, generalist MPH degree that isn’t just one of the lowest priced programs in the state of Texas, but also in the entire United States. It’s a degree plan that emphasizes the knowledge and skills of core public health fields, but does so by taking you beyond the classroom, into the field with a carefully planned and supervised applied practical experience placement. Those experiences have included everything from investigating adolescent health right at home in Lubbock, to investigating the Tanzanian and Peruvian healthcare systems overseas. You then have the option of capping off your education with one of four different types of culminating experience, a tremendous amount of flexibility that you can fit into your work, lifestyle, and interests. But even when you are done with your studies, Texas Tech isn’t done working for you… an emphasis on career support means you’ll get assistance and information on the CPH exam, open public health positions, organizations, and networking opportunities that will put you in the right position to meet your career goals.
Old Dominion University
School of Community and Environmental Health
Norfolk, Virginia
Master of Public Health
- Global Environmental Health
- Health Behavior and Health Promotion
Estimated Program Cost: $22,489
Semester Credits: 43
In-state tuition $7,626 less than the state average for CEPH-accredited public health master’s programs at Virginia public schools.
- Accreditation: CEPH (pending)
- Format: Online, synchronous and asynchronous courses
- An intentionally inter-professional program connects you with fellow students, international and community organizations, and health professionals around the world
Old Dominion University’s highly respected MPH-Global Environmental Health concentration takes you through every critical point along the spectrum of public health threats, from food safety to air and water quality to sea level rise and climate change policy. You’ll find a similarly comprehensive approach to public health promotion in the Health Behavior and Health Promotion concentration, which blends didactic and experiential approaches to teaching students how to search and apply public health research, manage data, and develop programs to encourage health improvement in every aspect of the public health arena. Although the program is still pending CEPH approval, until 2018 it was run as a fully-accredited MPH in cooperation with Eastern Virginia Medical School; with the programs separating, each program is technically required to reapply as a new entity.
West Virginia
West Virginia University
School of Public Health
Morgantown, West Virginia
Master of Public Health
- Biostatistics
- Epidemiology
- Healthy Policy, Management, and Leadership
- Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences